For What It’s Worth…

I’m back. I’ve wanted to relaunch this blog and online radio channel for a while, and while the radio station has been up for almost two years, I haven’t had time to do anything else. It’s been since maybe 2006 since I last had this blog/station?

It was suggested I restart it by a friend who used to enjoy it. I got started close to a couple of years ago, but first, there was the fighting cancer thing (Multiple Myeloma). Then there was the recovery and return to work thing (not a lot of energy left during those times). Then there was the buy a house, pack, and move thing. Then there was the addition being built thing. Now there is the final unpack and set up everything, and the get rid of stuff phase, or the get rid of shit thing. In short, I’ve been and will continue to be busy.

All of that being said, I made a determination that my life is generally just going to be busy, so I might as well make time for the things I find important. And at this point in my life, a lifestyle change and my hobbies are important. This blog will serve to document that lifestyle change and those hobbies.

What to expect in format. Perhaps not the best grammar, occasionally obscene language, regular typos, below average to mediocre photos when I document something, and a basic blog format. I’m really at the age where substance matters over style, so I don’t care much to proofread, filter my photos or use a camera better than what my phone offers, and/or relearn everything I’ve forgotten about web design. Also, there will never be homemade reels or tiktoks. I’ll give you text and photos. Maybe the occasional youtube link if I’m discussing music. That’s enough. I know it’s a dated format, but I have to believe some of us still like to read and interpret things.

What to expect in content. My lifestyle change to living on a lake as well as trying to be healthier. Music, both working on and playing (electronic drums), and my radio station (songs I love or my playlist) as well as my regular online radio show returning. Food. I fucking love food. Bourbon, other booze, and my journey to becoming a dude who knows how to mix a drink. Maybe other miscellaneous topics such as movies, pop culture revisited, etc. Each of these topics will be thoroughly discussed for expected content in a subsequent detailed post.

Also, expect regular updates – perhaps daily. Anyone who knows me knows that when I do something I tend to go all in – some might say obsessed. And I can always talk – some might say too much. Either way, I hope you enjoy it, and if not, comments are shut off, so not like I’ll hear about it. More to follow…