The Bone Broth Fast

A number of online personalities have been doing a fast based on bone broth. Typically three days of no food other than water (sometimes with electrolytes) and bone broth. The idea is to give your body a reset and to feel better.

I decided I was going to do this as a way to give my body a reset, retrain my mind that it is ok to be hungry, and a little bit to reduce bloat. I was not doing this to induce autophagy, as that would require a longer strictly water fast. I’m also not ruling out that type of fast out in the future. My longest previous fast was roughly two weeks of having a glass or two of chocolate milk a day when I was in the hospital for chemo and stem cell. I couldn’t stomach anything else; and hunger went away within a few days.

I had my last solid meal this passed Thursday around 6:30 pm, and finish my last bourbon later that evening. Friday morning I got started.

Here were my provisions:
Fire & Kettle Bone Broth (Chicken & Beef)
Ultima Replenisher Electrolyte (Blue Rasberry – a favorite flavor of DQ Mr. Misty of mine growing up)

Other consumables included morning coffee with half & half, multivitamin, turmeric, elderberry, and apple cider vinegar gummies (daily supplements)

My daily routine:
Friday – 1 cup of morning coffee, 4 cups of bone broth (2 of beef, 2 of chicken – roughly 6 to 8 ounces each) throughout the day as I felt hungry – nothing after dinner time, 2 (16 ounces) of electrolyte water – 1 in the afternoon, and 1 in the evening, and various filtered water throughout the day

Saturday – 2 cups of morning coffee, 2 cups of bone broth (1 of beef 1 of chicken – roughly 6 to 8 ounces each), beef at lunch & chicken at dinner, 1 (16 ounces) of electrolyte water in the afternoon, and various filtered water throughout the day

Sunday – 2 cups of morning coffee, 1 cup of chicken bone broth (roughly 6 to 8 ounces each), 1 (16 ounces) of electrolyte water in the afternoon, and various filtered water throughout the day

I only did light cardio such as walking because any resistance training really fucks with my hunger. It makes it so much worse.

The Outcome:
My fast was roughly 84 hours.

Hunger started in everyday around lunch. Broth did very little to stop the hunger pangs. That’s where I had to say to myself, no, you’re not eating. A few days isn’t that long, but from lunch to bedtime I was in a varying state of hunger. This confirmed to me that I should really skip any breakfast in the morning, since I’m not really eating due to hunger. I’m thinking some kind of intermittent fast schedule.

I didn’t have a solid stool from Friday evening on, with mostly the production of neon yellow/green to brown liquid. Gross, I know, but I’m being honest about my experience. I expected this due to my liver numbers being on the high end of normal and the occasional pain from the gallbladder region. Also, I was drinking a blue electrolyte mixture. It got worse (or more voluminous) as the weekend went along including Monday morning before I cooked breakfast. Thank god I installed a bidet type toilet seat.

I noticed as the weekend went along I got colder in my environment. I am naturally warm to hot all the time (fan on in my office and blower on in the car), but it was 71 in my house Sunday night, and I had to put on a hoodie. That’s very unusual for me. System/metabolism definitely altered, perhaps slowed down?

About the bloat, Sunday evening I was able to take my class ring off. This was the first time in a couple of years. The last time I attempted a few months ago I failed, but not without taking a few layers of skin in the attempt that did scab over. I consider this a win! I want to get to the point where it easily spins again, so I can take it off when playing golf – my rings really fuck with my grip. Also, I plan on playing more golf next year.

I didn’t measure weight or take any other measurements. It was not about that… yet.

The Reward:
Monday morning I got up and made Sarah and I breakfast. I LOVE BREAKFAST FOOD! Eggs mixed with Pancetta and smothered with cheese, bacon, sausage, strawberry greek yogurt, and ripe grapes. See below.

I went to town a little having roughly 3 eggs, 3 sausages, 5-6 pieces of bacon, a full serving of yogurt, and about 10 grapes. Here is the bizarre part. I was not having hunger pangs before, nor did I feel full after all that. My stomach had apparently not shrunk at all. It would take almost a couple hours until the full feeling kicked in – causing me to skip lunch.

I paid attention to several online personalities who said this was a great experience, and they feel great. Honestly, my win was removing that ring. I did not wake up Monday feeling like a million bucks, so don’t necessarily believe that hype. I felt fine. I felt less bloated. I was proud that I did it. I am more confident I can control my hunger again.

I hope this provides some of you with useful information