Expectations for the Station

If you have tuned in, or if you haven’t, please do, and you might find the music is dated. Ok, that’s my bad. The music comes from about the last time I updated my 80GB iPod classic – say 2010ish? That used to be my everything. What I would listen to at work, what connected to my car, my workout jams, etc. Some newer songs might have snuck in there, but a very few would be about it, since I haven’t used iTunes regularly for years.

That being said… I will be continually updating the playlist, and what you will hear on the station. A basic expectation is all genres of rock from soft to hard, ’50s to eventually current time frame, with some crossover country, pop, and hip-hop songs in the rotation too. I really want every song to be ear candy. No unnecessarily long jam band shit or b-sides. I’m the type of listener who can recognize the talent that goes into the music production, but still doesn’t want to hear 90+ % of what that artist puts out when I’m tuning in for my enjoyment. And I’m not going to be fake deep into bullshit to act as if I’m hipper than anyone else.

Since this was basically an iPod dump, I am searching for artists to get rid of their lesser known works or songs I don’t want to hear. I want to hear bangers and clappers. I think people tuning in to this station want the same. It’s a process with thousands of songs.

Album art… I know some of it that pops up is blatantly wrong. This has happened the several times I have converted my catalog to mp3. For whatever reason, the album art of someone else’s “greatest hits” or the like will appear perhaps due to the commonality of that name. Or just some weird compilation album art appears that is sometimes proper, and sometimes not. I make a note when I see improper album art and take care of it.

The last time out this station got pretty popular – something like top five for its associated genres. I mistakenly had contact info listed. That resulted in self-produced artists contacting me trying to get radio play. There was a reason they were self-produced (e.g., 95% crap). No thank you. Too exhausting.

Like I said, it’s a process, and I fully hope to get the station refined to where every song is a banger or clapper. Even if it isn’t necessarily in your preferred genre, you won’t mind listening because its a great AND ear friendly song. Or it just makes you smile or speaks to your heart.

I must note I pay extra to be ad-free, so you don’t have to listen to anything but music. I might make some station IDs, but I think that’s a little vain. So please, just tune in and enjoy the station when you can.